On this day, January 24, 1848, James Marshall made a discovery along Sutter’s Creek, that would change the world—
GOLD! This glittering find sparked the California Gold Rush, drawing thousands of prospectors to the American West and shaping California’s future! No wonder they called California, the Golden State.
The Gold Rush of 1849 wasn’t just a scramble for riches—it was the beginning of California as we know it today. Cities like San Francisco grew rapidly, becoming hubs of culture, trade, and opportunity.

Writer Mark Twain famously wrote "There's gold in them thar hills!" in his book The American Claimant (1892). It was inspired by geologist, mineralogist and miner, Matthew Fleming Stephenson (1802-1882) who reportedly said it to encourage miners in Georgia to stay instead of "rushing" to the west to seek out their own fortune.

Want to uncover more fascinating stories from California history? Shrimp and Lobster’s San Francisco Adventure brings history to life with fun activities and interesting facts that inspire curiosity in kids (and parents, too!).